We love to have helped so many dental students, and are looking to help many more.
Average Score
The average score for dental students using PATCrusher is higher than any other service.
Higher Score Guarantee
We provide a full refund if you don't receive a higher score on PAT section of the DAT.
Designed to Guarantee Results
Unlimited Questions
We provide you as many practice PAT questions and PAT exams you need.
Growth Analytics
Learn more about your strengths and weaknesses with our graphs and charts.
Goal Analysis
Milestones and advice to keep focused on achieving your perfect score.
Detailed Explanations
We keep working on helping you understand each wrong or right answer.
Pre-Dental Student Reviews
Carter B Bryce
PAT Score: 30
I attribute my success to my use of PATCrusher, which I used most extensively. What I liked in particular and found more useful than other products were the explanations. Specifically, for keyholes and TFE.
Laura Luc
PAT Score: 20
I scored a 20 just using it for a month. I really liked the various difficulty settings, I couldn't find this many options anywhere else. PATCrusher is an awesome resource for an affordable price!
Erick Jung
PAT Score: 27
Great resource with plenty of practice tests. Helped me get a 27 on the section!